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Sale of mobile services - ofcom (GC8)

Ofcom’s General Condition C8 sets out the customers rights with regard to the  sales and marketing of mobile services. 

These are a set of obligations which Ofcom requires all communication providers to follow, and as a business we want to ensure we try our best to prevent mis-selling. 


The condition prohibits providers from engaging in misleading conduct and requires them to provide accurate information when selling or marketing relevant mobile services. In order to ensure our customers are provided with the best service possible our staff are trained and aware of their responsibility to treat customers in accordance with the Ofcom rules.  

Due Diligence 

We are required to carry out due diligence before allowing a third party organisation to sell Daisy mobile services and we are obligated to maintain a record of the following up to date information:  

Credit checks of all partner businesses to make sure that anyone selling Daisy products doesn’t have a bad credit history  

That the directors of the organisation haven’t filed for bankruptcy or previously gone into administration 

We are also required to ensure our third party partners are aware of their requirements under General Condition C8. 

The Rules 

We are required to check the customer’s identity before a new contract has been agreed or changes made to an existing one. We need to ensure the following information is available to the customer when they are about to take out a new mobile service plan or phone:  

  • Who the contract is with   
  • The contract term  
  • The monthly recurring charges  
  • Any one-off charges  
  • Any charges for out of bundle items such as calls to mobile/landline  
  • Termination information, including customer rights and the process in place  
  • The date from which the services are expected to be provided by 
  • Details of any sales incentives which are being applied 
  • Access to the relevant terms and conditions 

We also are required to ensure that sales records are kept for a minimum of 6 months after the sale and where a sales incentive has been applied the records must be retained for 90 days after the incentive has been reached where outside of 6 months. 

  • The sales records must include the following information:  
  • The date of the sale  
  • How the sale was made, i.e. face to face or telephone  
  • The place the sale was made, i.e. the location address  
  • Signed copies of the contract or a copy of the call recording where applicable
  • Details of any Sales Incentives included

Where a sales incentive for a mobile service has been applied, (such as being offering cash back after the contract has been entered into) the terms and conditions must be provided along with straight forward instructions on how to claim the sales incentive.   

We are required to also send in either an electronic or paper medium; 

  • Full details of the company offering the sales incentive
  • Whether this is directly from us or one of our third party partners  
  • Details and a description of the sales incentive  
  • The relevant terms and conditions of the sales incentive
  • Details of how to claim with clear straightforward instructions on how to do this

If you require a copy of General Condition C8 please use the following link to download it or we can send you a copy free of charge.